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Litter Puppy Prices:


Simple: 1 full body view, 1 accessory, name and info ----> 7FPP/3.5 mil

Medium: 1 Fullbody, 1 headshot, 2 accessories, name and info----->10 FPP/5 mil

Complex: 2 Fullbodies, 1 headshot, however many accessories, name and info--->15 FPP/7.5 mil


Custom Characters or Revamps Prices:


Custom Char is 15 FPP/7.5 mil (prices will vary on simplicity- if very simple then will be lowered)

Revamps are 5 FPP/2.5 mil (will NOT vary on simplicity or complexity)

My Art and Comms

Litter Puppies/Revamps/Characters


Examples are NOT for sale.

All examples belong to their rightful owners, and all art (c) me.

Icons, Custom Tags, and Large Arts:

Icons (no examples as of yet) are 1 FPP/500k each

Custom Tags are 5 FPP/2.5 mil each

Large arts (no examples as of yet) are 10 FPP/5 mil each

Tag Recolors:

If I provide base: 3 FPP

If you provide base: 2 FPP

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