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Erie and Zayden Litter

"Bliacklight Litter"

 Gradient's color is red, like her brothers. But where Jensen's color represents his overbearing love-filled heart, gradients represents jealousy. She is a sweet, kid girl, don't get me wrong. But every pup has their faults. Gradient's is her low self esteem. She often changes colors because her heart is filled with jealousy over others beauty. Now, in her young pup years, Gradient feels she is not as beautiful or wanted as Jensen. She tried so hard to be like him, she ended up changing into his colors. Zayden and Erie both know what this is like, having so long looked down on themselves for being all white, that they both strive so hard to make their last baby girl feel beautiful, inside and out. But now, gradient can't tell whether she is red from her jealousy, or red from the abundance of love that come from her parents.


Delaney loves to love. She has a huge heart, and has never come across a person she didn't like. She is up in everybody's business, and she is so friendly no one ever gets mad at her. She is full of art and passion, and her colors represent her true beauty nature, Love. 


(Made by most wonderful and dear friend alligatorfeet!)

Castiel is not the most socially inept pup on the planet. He is often under the teasing nature of Jensen, and constantly takes the jokes personal. His father finds it extremely hard to bond with him, since all Castiel does is stare at him blankly, not understanding the importance of father-son time. Why did he have to be all alone with his father? Don't get me wrong, he loves both of his parents, he just doesn't understand them sometimes. He loves biochemistry, and is a straight A student. Jensen calls him a geek, which Castiel often thinks of as a compliment, however Erie is very protective of her little inadequately unsocialized boy, and takes it upon herself to personally "talk" (cough cough... Destroy...) all the bullies in Castiels way. She often calls him her little star. Which Castiel responds, 

" Mother, I am not a flaming ball composed of gases. And stars aren't little. Would you care to elaborate more on the subject?"


~Castiel now belongs to Piggeh!~


Jace is young and has a heart of gold. And it shows in his colors, and he shines brighter with everyone he meets. He is constantly giving his things away to people he feels needs it, and is always optimistic in any bad situation. His humor is worse for wear, unlike his brother Samandriel, but still manages to bring out a smile, no matter how small, in anyone. Erie and Zayden often say how when it was his time to be born, the stars and moon glowed gold, and danced around the realm. Jace means "moon", and he often caught marveling in it. One night, as Jace curled next to his mother, he gazed at the moon longingly. "Momma, do you think there are living things on the moon?" Erie smiled lightly, leaning down to his ear. "Of course! Don't you see that little black dot right there in the middle?" Jace looked intently, his little ears pulled back in concentration. After a moment, he excitedly replied, "YES! I do see him I do see him!!" Erie giggled softly. "Do you see him moving?" Jace just kept staring at the moon. "I do! I do! What's he doing momma?" Erie leaned in even closer, and ever so silently she whispered, "He is shaking his tush at you." Jace raised and eyebrow and turned to his mother. "What?"

(This is a real life conversation between me and my mom many years ago XD)


Jace now belongs to Halloween Town.


Samandriel was born blind, but that has never let that stop him. He is a complete goofball! He loves to laugh, but even more he loves to make others laugh. He always has props with him, and always seems to " see" when someone is down or could use a pick me up. Girls, you ask? Not a problem. He'll walk straight up to a female and ask her what her favorite color is, and by some miracle, he will flash it on his coat for her. Don't ask me or his parents, we have no clue how he does it. Samandriel love fake mustaches, and sunrises, although he has never seen either. "I have seen a mustache, it's on your face." Wait... How did that get there?



Maylie is tomboy. She loves videogames, hanging out with the boys (much to her father’s disliking) and is a complete daddy’s girl. She spends most of her time pulling pranks and making messes. She loves to read comics (hence the robin action figure), and is generally a very indecisive pup. The blue color on her black light view represents a “cool” nature about her, when she gets along with everyone she meets and has a relatively calm demeanor (but don’t let that fool you, she is still a troublemaker). And the green represents her rambunctious side. It is quite obvious, as her mother states often, that she is “Oh God… Just like her father.”


Maylie has found a home with Snicke

Jensen has his fathers reputation for sure! He is extremely rowdy, flirtatious, and smart (not to mention a total lady killer!) He came with the whole package! He often carries a rose with him, just in case he finds a pretty female he wants to woo. When he was born, He often pushed the other pups aside to get what he wanted, and often picked on his big sisters (although he is still a sweetheart and overprotective). He is also well known to pretend to be his sisters boyfriend, so he can scare all the weird males away. Erie knew he would be trouble when he was born, and therefore looked at Zayden and said "He's all yours."


Jensen was Autoed by Jeep! 


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